The Atlanta Journal-Constitution loves the nuanced views of the left. When the Swift Boat ads first aired, their first reaction was a hack job on the John O'Neill. After the New York Times published their chart of the connections between the Bush White House and the Swift Boat Vets, the AJC followed along soon after.
Click for larger image.
Now with Ben Barnes making accusations that he helped Bush get into the Texas Air National Guard, the AJC prints an article in today's paper from the, you guessed it, New York Times:
"I'm not particularly proud of what I did," said Barnes, who in the 1960s was speaker of the Texas House at 26 and lieutenant governor at 30. "While I understand why parents wanted to shield their sons from danger, I abused my position of power by helping only those who knew me or had access to me."Barnes, 66, an adviser to Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign and a lobbyist with offices in Austin, Texas and Washington, told The New York Times that he intervened to get Bush, as well as other well-connected young men, into the National Guard in 1968. He made similar comments aired Wednesday on "60 Minutes."
Gee, where is the chart explain the connections between Ben Barnes and John Kerry. I took the liberty of creating one for the AJC, but I suppose it's probably not "nuanced" enough from the AJC to publish:
I'll remember this the next time someone points at the "web of connections" ...
Posted by: Darwin | September 10, 2004 at 00:48