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I love geeks.


You're an nut... why would the forger not just TURN OFF autoformat to get around it? I have never heard of anyone smart enough to use the letter 'l' instead of the number '1' but dumb enough not to just turn autoformatting off.

Your also ignore the fact that in Times New Roman the number '1' and the letter 'l' are actually subtly different - '1' (one) has a slightly wider base and a slightly wider serif on the top that 'l' (el). Why don't you try zooming in really close on the forged document and seeing if you can work out which they are.

Nice job, Sherlock Holmes. I propose that instead of periods the forgers used really really small font-sized 'O's.

Blind Pig


Next time you might want to think about reading the entire article before commenting on it.

The bottom line is that an inexperienced Word user would likely not know how to turn off Autoformat As You Type. Of course, I am only basing that on my experience teaching hundreds of people to use MS Word.

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