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The Man

I decided to join the ranks of the forgers. Maybe I can get on 60 Minutes too.


MBT Sandals

As much as I wish the non-political entertainers would stay out of politics the fact is that speech is free, getting an audience is not. Too many simply cannot resist the temptation to use the audience they have attracted for their talent to prattle on about politics. But hay some do “turn pro”. Arnold, Sonny Bono, Fred Grundy, Fred what his face, Cooter from the Dukes of Hazzard.

Adidas Jeremy Scott

I agree, Rick. I'm not sure they would have to campaign in even that many states, if they felt pretty confident about how tied up they had two or three of them.

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I remember a few years ago when you could get a steal on a used car. Pretty amazing how fast the market changes, thanks for the info.

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This is a great post and makes me think of where I can fit in. I do a little bit of everything mentioned here and I guess I have to find my competitive advantage

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