You can find my video of an attack by anarchists on the Protest Warriors at Sunday's march in New York City. You can find the the video by clicking here (5.3MB, 2MB, and 700KB Windows Media or 20MB MPEG), here (20MB MPEG), or here (20MB MPEG). Enjoy.
Update (9/2/04): According to my site meter, it looks like over 14,000 people have checked out this video. I particurlarly thank Jason, Mark, and OverTaken By Events for helping to share the experience of some of the PWers in NYC on Sunday. To my fellow conservatives, please continue to speak up. You can see what we are up against, and it's not pretty. I invite everyone to do something. Make a contribution, write a letter to the editor, or simply put a bumper sticker on your car. Everyone can help and every bit of effort, no matter how small, is needed.
Update: As my bandwidth limit has been blown past, please try one of the links listed below. These are MPEG files, so they should play on pretty much any system, though they are larger than the orginal, jerky, Windows Media files. The video is not work safe (course language). so watch it at your own risk.
Mirror 1: Thanks to Jason of and Political Brief for agreeing to host an MPEG version of the file. Click here to open a page where you can download this version.
Mirror 2: Click here for another mirror. Thanks to Mark for helping us out!
Mirror 3: Thanks to Overtaken by Events for agreeing to host the file. Click here for the post on his blog where you can download the file. Update: Jason now has posted smaller Windows Media versions of the file (5.3MB, 2MB, and 700KB).
Update: Want to help Protest Warrior in their fight against the left? Then please visit the Protest Warrior Web site and make a donation. We are determined to show the hypocrisy of the left, and you can help. If you want to "Slop the Pig", please support this site by using clicking on the PayPal link on the left and send in your donation to [email protected]
Also, be sure to visit the site of our associated group, Communist for Kerry. Warning - Sense of humor required!
Funny, but these were pretty much the only "Pro-Kerry" signs I saw all day.
Update: I have modified the orginal post a couple of times to reflect the location of the video files.
Free speech for me, not thee. The Democratic Party way.
Posted by: mikem | August 31, 2004 at 09:54
I couldn't do what Protest Warriors do. God bless them, but I'd have been arrested after the Democrat anarchists assaulted the group. I would have lashed out violently to defend myself.
Why don't the real brownshirt tactics of these Democrat supporters get attention? Oh yeah! THAT liberal media!
Posted by: Eric Anondson | August 31, 2004 at 10:22
I agree - the Protest Warriors are Amazing. I'm not a member - yet - but I highly suggest we all support those of us on the 'front lines' of the battle here in the homeland.
Thanks for posting the video!
Posted by: Neocon | August 31, 2004 at 10:35
Mirrored the URL for the .wmv file here:
The horror story of many a conservative activists played out on tape.
Posted by: Shaun Kenney | August 31, 2004 at 10:50
Posted by: Shaun | August 31, 2004 at 10:51
Scary stuff.
(Note: I'm using "you" here as a sort of indefinite plural)
The cynical part of me says there is much ground to be made if you can show your right to demonstrate being constrained.
I think this would be much more effective if you could film this stuff from far enough away that you can see what is happening. I guess this means finding some sort of static place to protest, and setting up a camera at a point overlooking it. People in the protest could carry recorders so that audio can be patched in back later...
It could generate some very powerful video - and typically the sort of video that demonstrators on the left attempt to get by assaulting or taunting police.
On the other hand, I'm not sure I like the idea of goading these demonstrators, even if it is by doing something you are entitled to do. Someone will get hurt.
Perhaps turnabout is fair play, and you shouldn't be held accountable if other people attack. If so, I think the only way to maintain the moral high ground is to be extremely calm and unemotional. There can be no conflict - just sober protestors being denied their constitutional rights by force by intolerant people.
Posted by: P.H. | August 31, 2004 at 11:01
i can say, that as one of the hundreds of thousand who marched on sunday, that these people were such a tiny minority that it makes their actions seem even more disturbing. the mood of the march when i passed the protest warriors was more one of curiosity than of anger or violence. in fact, many of us gathered around as someone politely what specifically the protest warriors were standing up for (or against). voices weren't even raised. the violence doesn't represent democratic values, or the values of democrats, let alone the values of the march itself. however, if this isolated video informs your opinion about the agenda democrats, liberals, or even thoughtful anarchists, your mind was made up about their ideals long long ago. and that hermetic confidence is in its own way sad.
also: if Minion of the Great Satan was a dig at madison square garden, you got your letters backwards. should be minion of satan the great. or something. if it was a dig against nyc, walk the streets here some day--the sun still shines when you leave you little clam shell. if it was a dig agains the knicks or the rangers--fair enough.
Posted by: reggie | August 31, 2004 at 11:15
i can say, that as one of the hundreds of thousand who marched on sunday, that these people were such a tiny minority that it makes their actions seem even more disturbing. the mood of the march when i passed the protest warriors was more one of curiosity than of anger or violence. in fact, many of us gathered around as someone politely what specifically the protest warriors were standing up for (or against). voices weren't even raised. the violence doesn't represent democratic values, or the values of democrats, let alone the values of the march itself. however, if this isolated video informs your opinion about the agenda democrats, liberals, or even thoughtful anarchists, your mind was made up about their ideals long long ago. and that hermetic confidence is in its own way sad.
also: if Minion of the Great Satan was a dig at madison square garden, you got your letters backwards. should be minion of satan the great. or something. if it was a dig against nyc, walk the streets here some day--the sun still shines when you leave you little clam shell. if it was a dig agains the knicks or the rangers--fair enough.
Posted by: reggie | August 31, 2004 at 11:16
There were reports up to 200 arrests. Protests of those liberals involves closure of road, traffic, fraud, hatred, segregation, economic loss, and vandalization. If the liberals were concerned about these violence of their own, why has any one of those liberals nearby warn those deviant liberals to end such deviance and force an end? What were the leaders of protesters doing at the moment of violence by the protesters? This proves that those liberal protesters share the same value of violence in the name of anarchism.
Posted by: Cerberus | August 31, 2004 at 11:27
The Protest Warriors are asshole provocateurs. It's no surprise that you're not welcome in New York.
Posted by: rockit | August 31, 2004 at 11:27
Man, I don't think I could do what the Protest Warriors do, and not lay into a few mofos with a hard right hand. But they're fighting for a good cause, and I think it's pure BS that these so called "tolerant" protesters that are "demonstrating peace" would try to destroy their signs, assault the PW members, etc. It's pure BS, and the Democrats will only hurt further from it.
Posted by: ThaSickness | August 31, 2004 at 11:33
"But they're fighting for a good cause, and I think it's pure BS that these so called "tolerant" protesters that are "demonstrating peace" would try to destroy their signs, assault the PW members, etc. It's pure BS, and the Democrats will only hurt further from it."
I dont think they were democrats. If they were anarchists they were probably demonstrating in Boston too.
Posted by: actus | August 31, 2004 at 11:59
Protest Warriors pick a fight and get one. Gasp!
Posted by: Shocked | August 31, 2004 at 12:09
I doubt these were real left-anarchists (although I don't care for them either) These were almost certainly left-wing Democrat party activists.
Posted by: John Sabotta | August 31, 2004 at 13:17
I doubt these were real left-anarchists (although I don't care for them either) These were almost certainly left-wing Democrat party activists.
Posted by: John Sabotta | August 31, 2004 at 13:17
These guys were not exceptions. People threw stuff at us all day, spat at us, pulled down signs, punched people (women even) you name it.
There were good, rational liberals there, but there were far more confrontations than discussions.
Posted by: Sean | August 31, 2004 at 13:42
Wounded animals are always the most dangerous.
And so it is for moonbats.
The Kerry campaign staggers like a zombie resurrected from Vietnam, dog tags dangling from a dessicated walking corpse.
It's freaking the moonbats out.
Posted by: Wounded Moonbats | August 31, 2004 at 14:25
Anarchists are the extreem expression of the anti government side of politics. Survival of the fittest would be their motto.
Libertarians are the next closest. They don't mind Government except for when it takes away the freeedoms which are clearly spelled out in the Constitution. For example, if Jefferson was a Libertarian, he would never have made the Louisianna Purchase because there is no provision in the Constitution for the Federal government to purchase land.
Republicans are next
Then Democrats
Socialism and finally Communists.
That is the order of the political spectrum.
If your socialist leaning public teacher taught you otherwise she deservers to loose her cushie publicly funded gauranteed Government job.
Posted by: papertiger | August 31, 2004 at 14:38
a lot of folks on the left are starting to get into these crazy theories. I believe its up to level headed individuals like us to look into what they are saying in order to disprove them.
here are the most popular below.
Posted by: jakeForslander | August 31, 2004 at 15:25
PH. - I was there. I'm the guy in the video wearing the white shirt with glasses leaning over to the guy jamming a microphone in my face seconds after the attack subsided. This is not an isolated video. It is merely a clip (Don’t worry the rest will be all over the net soon enough). It was not only young hotheaded kids that were unable to control their emotions and retain some dignity. Little old ladies were cursing us out and spitting on us. From the second we started marching everyone around me took as many of their signs as they could to cover mine. While left to their own devices there was no shortage in "peace keepers" filled with rage with no intention of peaceful and respectful debate. Only later when surrounded by police officers did any real conversation occur. There were many at the rally who were more than ready to respectfully and peaceably debate us and I was happy to meet them. But do not say it was a small group of uncontrolled youths doing this. Mob rage quickly grew by almost all around us.
Cerberus - Actually, I live in New York. I was born in New York and I don't give a damn who thinks I'm welcome here or not. This is my town and the Protest Warriors are welcome to my door anytime. I was delightfully surprised to see how many other people were happy to see us there. So do me a favor, sit down; shut up, you don't know what you’re talking about.
Actus - There was no gasping. First, we didn't pick a fight. We presented a different viewpoint. Lord knows leftists jam their political ideology in my face all of the time at the college I attend in Manhattan. I have never attacked any of them. Second, the response was quite expected. The most important thing was to document the hypocrisy of the left to show to others. We barely made it 5 blocks before the situation was becoming increasingly violent. We will never know the extent it would have escalated too since the police rightfully chose to defuse the situation. The violence started when they tore our signs away from us (mine included, so much for free speech). As two members standing feet away from me went into the crowd and tried to pull them back they were cowardly accosted. One told me shortly after he was mostly punched in the back of the head and the kidneys. The lies of the left are like a house of cards which easily topple over if someone is just willing to blow on it a little bit.
Posted by: Stephen | August 31, 2004 at 16:35
Damn, these Protest Warriors have some balls. They stand up to the idiocy spewed by the Left, in person, face-to-face, on the opposition's territory, yet on their own terms.
Good for you, PWs. I'm not the sort to comment on blogs but I have to commend you for all you're doing to expose the blatant hypocrisy of those who invoke the First Amendment for themselves only and who seek to deny free speech rights to any who disagree.
Keep up the great work. I'm off to the Protest Warrior site to make a donation.
Posted by: Longtime New Yorker | August 31, 2004 at 17:11
Error Above - First - I mislabeled the names of the posts thinking the labels were on top not bottom. PH --> Reggie, Cerberus --> Rockit, Actus --> Shocked.
Second - You never stated "youths" that was me. Since that is the images that the video captured. My statement, "But do not say it was a small group of uncontrolled youths doing this." Rephrase - " This isolated video was a summation of the actions of the peace protesters that I saw whenever the protest warriors were not surrounded by large numbers of police officers. Rage and non-tolerance were the reactions of almost all who got the chance to come in contact with us unfettered by police. "
Apologies on the mistakes . Reggie, forgive me for putting words in your mouth.
Posted by: Stephen | August 31, 2004 at 17:19
Hmm. Funny to see the Dems dropping in to say that if you raise your voice in protest, you deserve to be silenced by force if necessary.
You guys have done your job well, thanks for showing us all the true, fascist face of the Left.
Posted by: Some Guy | August 31, 2004 at 20:33
"There were good, rational liberals there, but there were far more confrontations than discussions."
I don't know what people usually get on the streets of NY. Or any american city.
Posted by: actus | August 31, 2004 at 20:52
The irony of a bunch of thugs shouting "fascists!", just too much. Go PW, keep it up.
Posted by: j.scott barnard | August 31, 2004 at 21:29