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Maybe you could join the lefties with a short chorus of:

Bring back the shredders!
Let the darkies die!


Your pics are too lo-res to read the signs.


Lan Nguyen

I've watched your video and I felt the moment. You guys have tremedous courage based on your rational conviction. Nothing is going to bent you.

A Real Vietnam Veteran


"The coffins symbolized the soldiers who died in Iraq. For some reason, they were not carrying coffins to symbolize all the people who died on 9/11 in NTC"

They had an event on 9/11 earlier. I think most of New York city doesn't confuse iraq and 9/11.


Thanks for being our voice at the RNC. Can't wait to see higher quality versions of the video you took, looks like great stuff.

Blind Pig

Did 1000coffins have an event to commemorate 9/11? If so, send me a link. I'd love to see it.



Here are the protesters remembering the 9/11 victims.


William A. Hooker

What indicates that this is the same group protesting now?

The link just says "New Yorkers gathered at ground zero to ring bells on Saturday in memory of those who died on sept.11 2001, as well as those who have died as the result of U.S. military action since. Here are some images."

That doesn't seem to ahve anything to do with the set of protestors currently using coffins as props.


You gotta love these guys..they got guts :)

Matthew N

Go Protest Warriors.
You have a lot of folks out here proud of you.

Keep it up!


"That doesn't seem to ahve anything to do with the set of protestors currently using coffins as props."

when half a million protesters walk past, and there is some video of a handfull acting bad, this is to be generalized. when some protesters act good, that is not.

As a group, the "left" have made events critiquinq the iraq war and there have been events commemorating the 9/11 dead.

Blind Pig

And how many events have the leftists had commemorating the hundreds of thousands of victims of Saddam Hussein and his Bathist Regime?

Of course, that would mean that every man, woman, and child in march would have to have carried a symbolic coffin. And there would have been plenty left over.


Did any of the leftists try to stop their co-leftists from attacking members of the protest warriors? I don't think we should generalize the actions of the few who tore up PW signs to the entire population of marchers but I'd be interested in knowing whether those actions were silently sanctioned by the other protesters.

BTW, great job. Your courage is amazing.


"And how many events have the leftists had commemorating the hundreds of thousands of victims of Saddam Hussein and his Bathist Regime?"

Probably not that many. People tend to care for their own and the things they can change. So New yorkers and the victims of US policy comes first. I think thats just human nature.

Some leftists did try to smack saddam in the 80's, cutting off US funding for his terror regime. But it didn't make it past the white house. I think they should have been stronger, and fault them for giving up, but I think thats just how DC operates. sigh.


Brian asked: Did any of the leftists try to stop their co-leftists from attacking members of the protest warriors?

In the event of which I was apart, there were some people behind us that were denouncing the violence being perpetrated.

1) They were a vocal minority
2) They did nothing to actually attempt to stop the violence (perhaps they were pacifists which just goes to show how useful pacifism is when you would like to right a wrong)
3) They were a vocal minority (oh, I mentioned that)

Also, the fact that five other groups infiltrated at five locations separate (in relative terms) from ours met with exactly the same response, would lead any statistician to conclude that the sentiment was widespead among the sample population (i.e. left-wing moonbats)

Kevin Carson

Although I probably fall into your category of "left-wing moonbat," I'm sick of the twenty-something Circle-A type of "anarchist" who uses the label "anti-racist" and "anti-fascist" as an excuse to suppress speech they disagree with. Of course, guess who gets to define "fascist" and "racist"?

I'm an individualist anarchist, in the tradition of Benjamin Tucker. Individualist anarchism is a form of free market socialism that considers a totally free market, without government enforced special privileges to landlords and capitalists, to be the best way for labor to get its full product.

In the past, as a result of defending free market ideas in anarchist forums, I've received anonymous email threats from self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" who called me things like a "racist, goose-stepping, Rand-worshipping Nazi."

I consider myself a leftist (and, frankly, despise Bush), but I have a strong affinity for Lew Rockwell/Pat Buchanan conservatives, and others on the Right who are into genuinely libertarian and decentralist stuff like homeschooling and gun rights. I think one of the most promising developments this country ever saw was in the late '60s, when Murray Rothbard and Karl Hess attempted a revolutionary alliance between the libertarian Old Right and the New Left, against the corporate state. As far as I'm concerned, anyone on the right or left who believes in ordinary people having control of their own lives should consider themselves against the corporate center that dominates both parties.



Proud of you, guys. Leftists are nothing but a bunch of unwashed hypocrites, full of misplaced self-righteousness.

I hate the buggers!


PW rules!!! Keep fighting the good fight.

Chris Erb

If this were the DNC and a bunch of lefties went inot a right wing protest, the exact same thing would happen. Don't say I'm wrong becaus you know it's exactly what would happen.


I'm impressed your group even exists. I'm not surprised you annoyed the hell out of some of these people, especially some of the so-called anarchists - - talk about uniformity on parade. At least they don't march in sychronised motion, I guess that'd be too damn obvious.


I'm impressed your group even exists. I'm not surprised you annoyed the hell out of some of these people, especially some of the so-called anarchists - - talk about uniformity on parade. At least they don't march in sychronised motion, I guess that'd be too damn obvious.


You know, it really amazes me how much propoganda is used to support ones side of events. I've reviewed your when_anarchists_attack.mpa and it clearly shows that at 1.29min into it, your group provoked the fight by hitting an anarchist (big guy, black shirt) with the sign. Which the anarchist promptly tore up and the fight ensued.

Its your fault, you started it, and you deserved it. And then to claim that Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Anarchists, or whatever your types want to label us now, that we don't believe in Freedom of Speach?

Seems to me that we were exercising our Rights just fine, until your group showed up and promptly assaulted us.....


You know, it really amazes me how much propoganda is used to support ones side of events. I've reviewed your when_anarchists_attack.mpa and it clearly shows that at 1.29min into it, your group provoked the fight by hitting an anarchist (big guy, black shirt) with the sign. Which the anarchist promptly tore up and the fight ensued.

Its your fault, you started it, and you deserved it. And then to claim that Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Anarchists, or whatever your types want to label us now, that we don't believe in Freedom of Speach?

Seems to me that we were exercising our Rights just fine, until your group showed up and promptly assaulted us.....


A cardboard sign accidently falls onto some lefties head (most likely caused by another lefty off camera knocking the sign down) and one of the PW's gets beaten. I am a PW and I have been to these rallies. Lefty Communists cannot stand a right wing view and do get violent. PW's have not raised a hand against someone that hasn't provoked them first, if at all. We speak in a calm matter, and no matter whether we are speaking to a 80 year old woman or to a young brainwashed liberal, the liberal always either raises their voice and yells or raises their hand to hit us. Freedom of speech is not a "Liberal Only" right.



Were you at this event? Watch the video, the sign clearly (deliberately) hit that protester.....I hope the police review this clip and appropriate charges get filed.

Exercising our rights to freedom of speech and protest makes us Communists?

In my opinion, that makes us good Americans!

To descent is the greatest form of freedom.

You sir have provoked this attack. And as long as you attempt to deny me my "Right to Free Speech" then you will continue to get "raised fists"

Right is right, right?

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