Setting themselves up to ignore any questions about the centerpiece of John Kerry's campaign, the Viet Nam war, the Public Editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an article titled "We'd do more with less about candidates" in today's paper:
Let's ignore the polls for the rest of the election, especially those in the vaunted battleground states. If someone gets a TV appearance, posts something on a Web site, or writes a book to make a charge about something that happened or didn't happen with either of the candidates 30 years ago in Vietnam, or Alabama, let's check out the best available independent reporting on it and determine, first, whether it is even a story worth covering.In other words, let us wise men at the AJC keep a monopoly on information, and ignore everything else. And what are the burning issues that the AJC should cover? Mr. King gives us a list:
Let's take a page of the newspaper, every other day or so, and tack our own course away from the campaign trail. Let's write a story focusing on how Americans are able to pay for health care now and in the future. Let's look at the new Medicare prescription drug payment program and see if it works. Let's ask how close we are to achieving energy independence now and in the future.Translated: The AJC will concentrate on liberal hot button issues.And after that, let's examine how important is it to keep Americans in good jobs with good benefits and how important is it to keep American companies competitive in a global marketplace.
And while we are at it, let's ask: Are voters comfortable about stretching the bounds of science and human development so that we can treat debilitating and deadly diseases? Also, let's see how voters feel about the 40-year struggle for civil rights for all Americans. Has it accomplished enough of what was envisioned?
If the answer to the first question is yes, then let's ask what role the government should play in accomplishing that goal. If the answer to the second question is no, let's ask how far voters feel the government should force us to go.
Are those issues heady enough for you?
But what about the most important issue of the day, keeping Islamic fundamentalists from blowing up, poisoning, irradiating, or otherwise killing and whole bunch of Americans? Mr. King does not mention that. See, the question of leadership in the War on Terror might lead us back to what John Kerry feels is his best qualification for that job - his role in the Viet Nam war and the aftermath. And that vetting of his leadership is not going so well, for some reason. So no wonder the AJC does not want to cover it.
Thank you for finally explaining that so well
Posted by: Griffeys Shoes | May 07, 2011 at 16:06
As much as I wish the non-political entertainers would stay out of politics the fact is that speech is free, getting an audience is not. Too many simply cannot resist the temptation to use the audience they have attracted for their talent to prattle on about politics. But hay some do “turn pro”. Arnold, Sonny Bono, Fred Grundy, Fred what his face, Cooter from the Dukes of Hazzard.
Posted by: MBT Sandals | May 14, 2011 at 09:30
I agree, Rick. I'm not sure they would have to campaign in even that many states, if they felt pretty confident about how tied up they had two or three of them.
Posted by: Adidas Jeremy Scott | May 14, 2011 at 09:33
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Posted by: Christian Louboutin | September 04, 2011 at 18:02